lawn care, mulch, native plants, organic, organic weed control

The Need For SPEED(y) Organic Weed Control

"How do I get rid of weeds in my garden?" This is probably the most common question I get on my blog, website, and Facebook page, usually coming from someone wanting to garden organically and frustrated there's not a fast, easy recipe for weed elimination. It's sort of like my inability to lose a few pounds.… Continue reading The Need For SPEED(y) Organic Weed Control

Garden people, plant care, Skip Richter, transplant, when to plant


Yes, I'm a gypsy. No sooner than I've completed the last project on my to-do list (and hubby's done with his honey-do list),  and I develop an acute itch only cured by priming the ZILLOW app on my iPhone. Hubby recognizes that dazed look on my face. He's come to hate that look. Last spring, hubby… Continue reading TransPLANTed…AGAIN!

organic pest control, Uncategorized

Ants-in-the-Pants Not a Fun Game

Yesterday while removing spring/summer blooming plants in a raised bed, I found a little more than dying plants. Recent rains encouraged fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) to look for higher ground. Raised bed = water-free home. Think of a beach house on stilts. Part of the mound fell from the root ball of a plant onto the leg… Continue reading Ants-in-the-Pants Not a Fun Game


FRUIT FLIES FLOWN: a great organic remedy for fruit fly problems

This week my sister was visiting from Denver. Besides apologizing for the heat and humidity of our Gulf Coast summer, I found myself begging forgiveness for a hazy cloud in my kitchen. Has anyone else noticed the fruitfulness of fruit flies this year?* They're awful! I realize it could be worse --- it could be… Continue reading FRUIT FLIES FLOWN: a great organic remedy for fruit fly problems