organic pest control, Uncategorized

Ants-in-the-Pants Not a Fun Game

Yesterday while removing spring/summer blooming plants in a raised bed, I found a little more than dying plants. Recent rains encouraged fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) to look for higher ground. Raised bed = water-free home. Think of a beach house on stilts. Part of the mound fell from the root ball of a plant onto the leg… Continue reading Ants-in-the-Pants Not a Fun Game

hardscape, landscape design, native plants, plant selection

GARDEN DESIGN: Drawing Your Plan

Now that you have a BASIC LANDSCAPE LAYOUT graphed out from last time, you should know where permanent features and plants will be staying.  Time to make final decisions on what goes where for your new do/redo. 1)  Think about the why of it to determine the where.  Clients tell me they want their summer… Continue reading GARDEN DESIGN: Drawing Your Plan