organic pest control, Uncategorized

Ants-in-the-Pants Not a Fun Game

Yesterday while removing spring/summer blooming plants in a raised bed, I found a little more than dying plants. Recent rains encouraged fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) to look for higher ground. Raised bed = water-free home. Think of a beach house on stilts. Part of the mound fell from the root ball of a plant onto the leg… Continue reading Ants-in-the-Pants Not a Fun Game

landscape design, why I blog

Garden gypsies love change!

We've moved. Again. For the last time. Again. People ask "how can you leave your gorgeous garden?" Those people don't know me. I'm a garden gypsy. When I get close to being finished, it is time to move on and find a new challenge. It's difficult to see things objectively with your own child. Someone says "oh,… Continue reading Garden gypsies love change!