organic pest control, Uncategorized

Ants-in-the-Pants Not a Fun Game

Yesterday while removing spring/summer blooming plants in a raised bed, I found a little more than dying plants. Recent rains encouraged fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) to look for higher ground. Raised bed = water-free home. Think of a beach house on stilts. Part of the mound fell from the root ball of a plant onto the leg… Continue reading Ants-in-the-Pants Not a Fun Game

Uncategorized, why I blog

all lit up and nowhere to go

My newest book is progressing nicely. All work on it has halted for the moment, however: the boss bumped me to a new office upstairs. In most worlds, moving up in the building = moving up in the company. Not so much here. I'll have to actually MAKE an office before I can work in… Continue reading all lit up and nowhere to go

landscape design, native plants, stones, Uncategorized, when to plant

FREE FRIDAY! and Summer is NOT the time to plant

To celebrate August, the end-of- summer (since schools start ever-earlier), I'll have a FREE FRIDAY tomorrow. Go to my author FaceBook page and pick which one of my children's books you want and I'll pick you. Or Gus the Wonder Cat will pick for me. IF he's in the mood for that kind of thing.… Continue reading FREE FRIDAY! and Summer is NOT the time to plant

disease, drainage, landscape design, lawn care, native plants, organic, pests, plant selection, sustainable, Uncategorized, wildlife gardening

Living with Low Spots

After it rains, our back yard takes forever to drain. It's so discouraging to plant things and they drown. How can we get rid of the water without flooding our neighbors? Drainage dilemmas plague many folks, either with seasonal sinkholes where water collects after a rain or a spot that's always spongy and nothing grows… Continue reading Living with Low Spots