Garden people, plant care, Skip Richter, transplant, when to plant


Yes, I'm a gypsy. No sooner than I've completed the last project on my to-do list (and hubby's done with his honey-do list),  and I develop an acute itch only cured by priming the ZILLOW app on my iPhone. Hubby recognizes that dazed look on my face. He's come to hate that look. Last spring, hubby… Continue reading TransPLANTed…AGAIN!

landscape design, lawn care, National Gardening Association, native plants, plant support, when to plant

WHEN to plant WHAT

My confession that rules were blatantly disregarded when I planted shrubs during  July brought sorrowful bent heads and looks of disapproval.  And those were just from Gus the Wonder Cat..... I can imagine what your thoughts on the subject might be. As a designer, I often myself tempted to The Dark Side, putting FORM before… Continue reading WHEN to plant WHAT

landscape design, native plants, stones, Uncategorized, when to plant

FREE FRIDAY! and Summer is NOT the time to plant

To celebrate August, the end-of- summer (since schools start ever-earlier), I'll have a FREE FRIDAY tomorrow. Go to my author FaceBook page and pick which one of my children's books you want and I'll pick you. Or Gus the Wonder Cat will pick for me. IF he's in the mood for that kind of thing.… Continue reading FREE FRIDAY! and Summer is NOT the time to plant