Garden people, plant care, Skip Richter, transplant, when to plant


Yes, I'm a gypsy. No sooner than I've completed the last project on my to-do list (and hubby's done with his honey-do list),  and I develop an acute itch only cured by priming the ZILLOW app on my iPhone. Hubby recognizes that dazed look on my face. He's come to hate that look. Last spring, hubby… Continue reading TransPLANTed…AGAIN!

native plants, plant care, plant selection, Uncategorized

Hot plants for hot spots: plants that THRIVE instead of just SURVIVE the heat!

I'm looking for plants for the west side of the house.  I have already planted some variegated boxwoods and I'm looking to fill in the rest of the beds with something that would spread (groundcover?) and hopefully give white flowers.  I tried Azaleas, and only 2 out of 20 survived.  (I also realize now that… Continue reading Hot plants for hot spots: plants that THRIVE instead of just SURVIVE the heat!