Garden people, plant care, Skip Richter, transplant, when to plant


Yes, I'm a gypsy. No sooner than I've completed the last project on my to-do list (and hubby's done with his honey-do list),  and I develop an acute itch only cured by priming the ZILLOW app on my iPhone. Hubby recognizes that dazed look on my face. He's come to hate that look. Last spring, hubby… Continue reading TransPLANTed…AGAIN!

Brenda Beust Smith, organic, sustainable, the Lazy Gardener, transplant, vegetable gardening


I can be lazy. While that statement sounds very much like I AM lazy, the distinction is an important one.  For most of my life, it's been difficult for me to even sit still, much less completely veg out.  Those days are over. Has my personality morphed, choleric gone phlegmatic?  Probably not.  When it comes… Continue reading YOU CAN GROW THAT! POTATOES

Dave Epstein, transplant, tree care

Best Time to (TRANS)Plant Trees…AND KIDS!

When should trees be transplanted? Leslie in Texas When our girls were young, we found traveling at night while they were asleep was a great way to avoid the not-so-fun ordeal of toddlers/teens (is there a difference other than SIZE?) on road trips. What does that have to do with TREES?  Our precious little ones… Continue reading Best Time to (TRANS)Plant Trees…AND KIDS!